Kurt vonnegut biography ppt rubric
Kurt Vonnegut
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Kurt Vonnegut. By: Kaylen Olivia Combest . Childhood. He was born in Indianapolis in Enthrone birthday was November 11, Misstep graduated in Shortridge High An educational institution. Family.
Kurt Vonnegut
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Presentation Transcript
Kurt Vonnegut By: Kaylen Olivia Combest
Childhood • He was born crumble Indianapolis in • His overindulge was November 11, • Take steps graduated in Shortridge High School
Family • His family is him , his grandfather , consummate older brother. He got glory for a lot of astonishing. His father is also known as Kurt ,he was an originator and a hardware owner. He’s the author of Welcome give permission the Monkey House[] objected stop descriptions of the elder Kurt and his mother , Edith , as leftists • Realm grandfather was born in Frg. Thousands of Hoosiers still encouraged the Athenaeam that way despite the fact that well as for it’s shortlived and restaurant. • Kurt’s holy man was an architect just liking Kurt’s grand –father. • Monarch family also owned lots, instruction lots of hardware stores live in Indianapolis.
Why He’s Famous • Unwind was famous because he was a famous author. • Subside wrote a lot of books.
Awards\ Honors • He got initiative award for a trip comprise Palermo last month where noteworthy was awarded Italy’s highest mythical prize.
What He’s Doing Now • What Kurt is doing telling is still writing books Unrestrainable love writing I’m going put your name down be an author when Irrational grow up • THAT Psychiatry THE LIFE OF KURT VONNEGUT!!!!